So much history, so little time! I’m glad we had time for Gettysburg and grateful for the insight it gave us into the great battles and lives lost during the Civil War. By chance, we happened to arrive on the anniversary of the day the Battle of Gettysburg started, July 1st. (Yes, I’m really behind in posting!)

We started at the Visitor’s Center and paid to see the extensive museum and the “Cyclorama.” Both were really interesting. The cyclorama was created by a talented French artist who interviewed many veterans from the Battle of Gettysburg and studied photos to recreate aspects of the battle on a giant circular painting. We stood in the middle of the room listening to narration and watched as lights were used to make the cyclorama come to life and look as though you were watching explosions and shots from guns and cannons.

After that, we drove to a few of the many battle sites and memorials.

Chad spent a lot of time picturing where Confederate troops had charged up Cemetery Ridge and been fought off by Union troops. It was sobering to imagine the ground covered with bodies afterward.

There was a tall lookout tower we were able to climb and see a beautiful view of Gettysburg.

Also by chance, we happened to arrive at the Gettysburg National Cemetery when a gentleman dressed in Civil War costume came to play “Taps” on a bugle to commemorate the battle’s anniversary. It really added to the solemnity of the cemetery, which was created out of a need for a place for the thousands of lives lost in the battle.

We saw the spot where Lincoln later came and gave the Gettysburg address. There is a monument dedicated to Liberty and to the Gettysburg soldiers (Soldiers National Monument) that is the focal point of the cemetery. Smaller memorials to Lincoln and his speech were located behind it and in another corner of the cemetery.

There was a lot more to see in Gettysburg, but we learned a lot even from the few hours that we spent there!

Also, I love this picture of Chad and Kate that I took that day. She loves her Daddy so much and for good reason! He has taken such good care of us and made this trip so much fun 💜